Sunday, October 21, 2018

1.5 hrs. on the panel mounting.

After drilling pilot holes in the center of the panel holes I removed the panel so I could drill out the holes to size for the M4 rivnuts.

I drilled them out to 5.5mm and then used my M4 sized chucking reamer to get them to size.

Did one rivnut and realized that you shouldn't put the rivnut over the leather as it's not long enough.  That one won't move, but it's not what we want.

First I tried making a nice circle around the hole to remove the leather there, but it's so firmly glued down that that was impossible.  So, I just cut out a larger rectangle and slowly shaved that down.  Much better.  I'll finish all these holes on Wednesday-ish... Tomorrow is my birthday, so it'll be family time, and the World Series, with my home team the Boston Red Sox starts Tuesday night. :-)

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