Thursday, October 25, 2018

1.5 hrs. on the dash, etc.

Measured the Dzus grommet to see if it's the right size to use for the nose wheel towbar hole...  And it's perfect!  According to TAF the towbar is 7.84mm, so 8mm is perfect for the grommet.

Picture from TAF of the towbar dimension.

Looking at the sides of the dash, it seemed like one side hung down the side of the fuselage more than the other, so I measured.  This side about 46mm.

And this side about 54mm.  So, my observation was correct.  Does it matter?  I'm thinking no, but I'm not certain.

I've been advised (thanks Simon!) that it's a good idea to stitch the outer edge of the dash since it's just glued down and he had seen some Slings where it started to pull up.  So, better to stitch it firmly down now before it's installed in the plane.  So, I bought this leather stitcher.

Following the instructions on how to thread it....  Line up the grooves...

Put on the chuck.

Close up of the groove of the needle lined up with the groove of the part that holds it in place (not sure of the name...).  I'll do the stitching on Saturday.

Here's a video of how to use the Speedy Stitcher.  There are other videos too if you search.

Need to make room for the mounting hardware (nuts?) for the parachute handle since I saw the dash fiberglass through the lower holes of the handle mount.

Used a fine saw and a file to cut out the dash in that area.  I think this should be sufficient.  I'll take some measurements to confirm before mounting the panel.

Got my black M4 screws from Belmetric and black nylon washers from Amazon.  Fits! ;-)

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