Wednesday, October 17, 2018

I need a 50 Amp fuse for the 914's external alternator, but the only fuses on Aircraft Spruce for that use are 60 Amp, which of course won't do.

Is this one OK?  The 914 Installation Manual only indicates that the fuse needs to be slow blowing, but the description of this fuse makes no mention of that.  What have other people used?  Where did you get it?

UPDATE: It seems the factory (and other builders) use a circuit breaker for this (and possibly other uses in the 914).  They're going to let me know a source and I'll post that here when I have it.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I think time-delay is probably the same as slow-blow ?

    1. It seems the factory uses circuit breakers, so I'm getting the info from them on the source.
