Sunday, October 14, 2018

I'm trying to figure out which spade terminal connectors to buy for my grounding block and I am having trouble.  I like to buy from Amazon but most of the connectors there seem to get bad reviews.  Marc Ausman's book "Aircraft Wiring Guide", which I highly recommend, says to get connectors with the following:
  • Wire gauge stamped on the metal
  • The insulation is translucent (nylon).  Vinyl insulation is opaque - don't use.
  • Brazed seam.
Looking on Aircraft Spruce I only see these connectors.  I assume I'd want the ones on the left, "Style B", though it's not entirely clear that that is the correct name because the labeling is poorly arranged IMHO...

Are those good?  These are usually color associated: Red, Blue and Yellow, but I see no such naming on that page.  Just a very long list of options...

I'd love to hear where people have gotten aircraft-grade spade connectors!

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