Monday, October 8, 2018

Quick half hour filling a gap in the front edge of the front top skin and test fitting the dash.

I noticed a couple of small gaps in my sealing of the front edge, so I did some touch-up.

Much better.  You can get a sense from this photo of how many layers were being riveted there.

With that in place I figured why not do a test fit of the dash.  I like it!

I'd certainly like to put this permanently in place, since that will enable me to install my panel, but want to make sure I have everything done behind there that can be done now (or would be very difficult later).  Obviously I think it's time to rivet the sub-panel rib to the center support.  I'll also put the transponder and VPX in their brackets before doing it (though those will be easily accessible after too).  Anything else you can think of that should be done before riveting the dash in place?

The manual says to line up the top of the dash with the canopy front edge.  I assume this is what that means?

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