Tuesday, November 27, 2018

1.5 hrs on the lighting.

Got my package with the lighting parts.

Unwrapped and tested all the lights.  A red front light.

And a white rear light.  The package came with a dimmer switch, but the manual makes no mention of it.  I assume that is to dim the pilot-side red light?

The manual says to cut these parts as so...  But....

Hmm, the part doesn't match the manual.  No holes on that upper surface.  I guess you just rivet the bottom to the ceiling?

I assume I need to dig out these holes (they're filled with foam)?

The wires get routed up this conduit, which I was able to push a wire up.  But, where does it go exactly?

If you look in the left rear hole it goes right past there.  But, then where does it go?  I couldn't get my boroscope into that hole to follow it.

Started to dig out one of the holes, but before continuing I want to hear from the factory as to how this is all supposed to work.  I could of course just brute force it and dig it all out and fish for wires, but I like to know what the factory does before brute forcing things...

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