Saturday, November 17, 2018

2.5 hrs. on the stick grip and filling rivets..

I need to drill the hole in the stick to accommodate the set screw.  10.5mm to the top of the hole and 15mm to the bottom.  So that means it's 12.75mm to the center.

Trying to measure using a ruler in the cockpit to a somewhat hard to see location wasn't going to work, so I just used a caliper set to 12.75mm.  With that I could make a small scratch where the hole needed to be.

And that's done...

The screw locks the grip to it's sleeve and the nut locks the stick to the screw.  With both of those tight it was rock solid.

Right after I did that one stick I got an email from a Sling 4 builder (who's done) in Australia which said I'd need to use a bent stick if I use these bent-forward grips....  Is that true?  Seems to me that the range of motion is the same no matter what the stick shape.  Grip all the way forward to just before the panel (should not touch, even with your hand!) and all the way back to your crotch.  This is wrong though if the pushrods can't be adjusted to that range positioning (though that seemed OK) or if your crotch gets in the way of the full back position (ouch!).  This is the full forward position...

...and this is the full rearward position.  Maybe this is a problem?  Since I can't get the seats in, I can't test it.  Does look weird...

Since I can't work on that, I'll think about other things...  Sling 4 builders, where did you route (or are planning to route) the brake line?  Down with the wiring (it's pretty tight)?  Above the flap motor?  I need to figure this out because I have to order stainless steel brake lines, so I need to measure the lengths needed.

Another, closer in, view.

Since I don't know that, I'll work on something else...  I have lots of rivets to fill, so I'll do some of that.  Not much thinking required...

Probably filled a few hundred rivets in 30 minutes...  Tomorrow I can sand them down.

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