Wednesday, November 7, 2018

It was brought to my attention that my dash may be too low...  Unfortunately this is not specified in the manual and my discussion with the factory resulted in apparently ambiguous guidance.

Since I haven't riveted it yet (it would be basically impossible to change if I had), I'm going to go ahead and re-drill the holes, which isn't a big deal.

I will post some photos once I get this done over the weekend.  BUT, I strongly suggest you contact the factory for clarification when you get to this point.  If I haven't said this already, I'll say it now, my blog is not the Sling 4 construction manual.  If the manual is not clear on something - contact the factory.  Do not assume that I have it 100% correct.  If what you hear back from the factory is not 100% unambiguous, clear and to your complete satisfaction, ask for photos and/or diagrams until there is no question as to what is meant.

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