Saturday, December 8, 2018

4 hrs. on the air lines and interior lighting.

 While I was waiting for a friend to come over and help I worked on the pitot/static lines behind the panel.  Here I'm ratcheting in the push-ons to the AHRS for the G3X.  Nice and tight...

Cutting the lines with the Rigid PC-1250.  White: Static, Green: Pitot and Blue: AOA.

Put in all the "T"'s and test port plugs.  Nice!

I mentioned the other day that using a hole saw to enlarge preexisting holes wasn't working because there wasn't anything to drill the pilot bit into.  Well, while I was lying in bed yesterday morning I came up with an idea.  Use the hole saw to drill through a 2x4 and use that as a template over the hole to be drilled.  That way the saw won't jump - because it can't.  I put on some rubber sheet to protect the fiberglass and make it easier to hold in place.

Worked like a champ!  It helped to have a 3rd helping hand to hold the block in place, but it was super easy to drill into the fiberglass to enlarge the holes to the proper size.  Remember to wear a mask and something for your eyes as there's lots of fiberglass dust doing this.

Now to figure out the wire fishing...  Using my boroscope, this is the view from the front hole looking back.  I'll figure the wire routing out and finish this all tomorrow (at least that's the goal... 😊).

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