Sunday, January 20, 2019

2 hrs. on mocking up the brake lines.

Needed to re-thread the fittings that go into the brake valve.  Used this die.
Here I'm starting the re-threading.  Just get it engaged and then....

Turn it slowly while applying light pressure to keep the die level and engaged.

Works like magic. 😁

And it's done!

Applying the sealant.

Wrench tight (but not too tight).

Mock up of the short piece connecting the master cylinder and parking brake valve.  Had to use a right angle on the left side of the brake valve because there wasn't room to do a straight.

Kind of chilly in the garage (8.9 C)....

Working out the routing of the line from the brake valve to the Tee.

Goes under the top part of the main spar.

Back to the Tee where I cut it to length.  Note that this is all for mocking things up.  Steve at Aircraft Specialty will make the actual final hoses based on my measurements.

Cut and connected.

Put in place so I can check that it fits well once in position and it does.

Airplane building is dangerous... 😜

It's going to be crazy cold tomorrow (holiday here in the US), so I won't be able to heat the garage enough to work in there...

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