Sunday, February 3, 2019

3 hrs. today on the rear floor pan and covers.

I realized that because I made the inspection openings bigger the supplied covers really weren't the right size - they didn't reach the main gear channel so it wasn't supported.  So, using some sheet material I had (thicker than the original cover material) I quickly made covers that were the right size.  Here's the left side one at the start of my fabricating it.

Bending with my jury-rigged bending setup. ;-)

The new one on the left vs. the supplied one on the right.

Much better!

Started work on the right side.  Rivnuts in.

All done!

View of the right side one.  On this side I used the original hole locations for the cover to match the holes in the floor instead of new locations as I did on the left side.

Time-lapse video I made of today's work (with a 30 second (20 minute) break to walk my dog). ;-)

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