Saturday, February 9, 2019

3 hrs. misc.

The manual indicates to put the grommet center 45mm from the center of the bolt hole, but that seems too close.  And closer than it appears in factory photos...

Here's a close-up from a factory photo.  There's clearly a bit of space there.

So I went with 55mm center to center and that seems right.

The hole needs to be 45mm across (the outer trace in the photo).  Have I mentioned I love step drills?  🤓  I used this large bit to get it as large as possible then I used a thinner step drill to grind it out to the line.  Step drills are excellent as grinding bits!

Then I used a half round file to smooth it out.

I wonder whether the 45mm size hole is too small?...  Because at that size it is a MAJOR pain to get that grommet in....  I did the other wheel and I didn't bother to put the grommet in because these will have to come out at some point to paint.  I'll probably end up enlarging these holes...

Time to put in some tie-downs in the luggage compartment.  Instead of riveting them in I put in M5 rivnuts so that it will be easy to put the anchors in after the carpeting is down.

Temporarily in place to check for fit.

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