Monday, February 25, 2019

Was away in New York City this past weekend with some friends, so no plane work, but I did get to look at some airplanes and enjoy the other fun stuff of my home "town". :-D

Have to like this place because I like the Dutch! :-)

Went to the Intrepid Air & Space Museum, which is an aircraft carrier docked at a pier in Manhattan.  Here's the Navy's version of the F86 Sabre.

T-38 Talon.

The first prototype of the Space Shuttle, Enterprise.

Got to go inside a Concorde!


Me wanting to spin up the engines....

Relatively small plane!

What's better than a Reuben sandwich and matzoh ball soup at Katz's deli??

Super busy place!

The very famous Bitter End in Greenwich Village.  Oldest rock club (1961) in NYC, so many of the famous have played there.

My artsy shot of the first group that played. ;-)

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