Monday, March 4, 2019

1 hr. on upholstery.

Did the two pieces on the sides of the stick assembly box.

There are several identical strips for the stringers.  The plan will be for it to be flat on the top of the stringer and the extra width will all go under it.  You'll see this better when I glue it down.

Cut all the strips to the right lengths for the various stringers (also the bottom of the side).

Rough fitting all the pieces that will go in the large spaces.  I cut them all to proper length.  I will be putting soundproofing under these large pieces, so those will have to be cut to the same dimensions (probably just use the carpet pieces as templates).

Another view of the rough fitting.

Cut to length.

Got my Toluene-free Barge (the stringer strips will have to be done with this stuff).  Still need to use a mask with this glue (as I do for all liquids I use).  In looking at the can I noticed that the company is local...

... so I looked it up....  And that address is a small professional building (that's 34 Cedar St., not 32 like the photo shows).  Huh?  I doubled checked the website and it's definitely 34 Cedar St. Worcester, MA, which is this building for sure.  Strange.
I mean, it's a very nice building!... Just doesn't look like the world headquarters of a large adhesive manufacturer that's over 70's years old!

Got a dump of about 12" of snow last night.  Fun snow-blowing all that....  Since the plane is in the garage, the cars are in the driveway and I have to clear them all off - that's the deal... 😜

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