Thursday, March 14, 2019

1.5 hrs. on the interior.

I hadn't considered that when you bond the carpet to the soundproofing it gets pretty stiff and hard to bend...  But, put some slits in the soundproofing and it's easy to bend.  This particular piece which goes on the mid right side is very tough to get in...  I actually think in this case it would have been a little bit easier to put in the soundproofing first then the carpet.

In this case I did put in the soundproofing first and then the carpet.

My glue pattern 😁  If you do it like this (soundproofing, then carpet), your challenge is to not get glue on other carpet pieces.  I mostly succeeded.

And it's in.

Except for a few small pieces around the luggage door, it's done!

Another view.

Looking up through the luggage door.

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