Sunday, March 24, 2019

2 hrs. misc.

After sanding all the rivets I filled yesterday I figured it was as a good a time as any to finish the inspection ports under the fuselage.  M3 rivnuts in.

The nylon washers I use under the M3 screws.

And in place.  A little back-breaking working under the fuselage...  Since you're inserting a rivnut from below it especially important to keep the rivnut pressed up against the fuselage while you pull it otherwise it could start to expand while not fully inserted - a pain to fix. I didn't do that today, but I've done it in the past...

Other port in.

Also made pizza from scratch tonight.  Like my apron? 😁

With roasted garlic and sausage.  Delicious.

Have you done any of the DNA tests?  I have and it's very cool!  If you go back to 4th cousins, you probably have relatives all over the world!  Here are my 4th cousin relatives in Australia!!  Those numbers represent the number of related people in that area.  Wow! 😎


  1. are you kidding me? 4th generation is so unreliable as to be statistically insignificant.
    sounds like they searched for Jewish people with dark hair. :)

    1. You wouldn't have shared DNA unless you're related somehow. Whether they're 4th cousins, 3rd cousins or 5th cousins, Ancestry can't actually determine that because there's a range of shared DNA for every level of relation and they overlap. So, they just give a likely-ness based on averages.
      Given that everybody has 16 sets of GGG Grandparents you likely have somewhere between 1000 and 10000 4th cousins! So, it doesn't surprise me that those people are scattered all over the world. They are very distant DNA-wise, but it's still cool to consider.
