Sunday, April 21, 2019

4 hrs. on the firewall.

M5 rubber mounts in (medium Loctite applied).  I'm going to put washers/nuts on the backside too.

Playing with placement of the Master.  Decided to go lower than this to keep away from the harness of the TCU.  There's a good amount of room though for the harness due to the spacing of the TCU off the firewall...

As you can see here.  I was going to mount the master sideways, but the part installation instructions specifically state to install it with the cap down.  So, down it went!

Friend Kerry helping out.  Thanks Kerry!

Bolted in!

Battery in too.

Close up of how the diode is attached in the starter solenoid.  Used this to enable connecting two spade connectors.  The other connection goes to the starter key.

Getting there!

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