Thursday, April 11, 2019

Heads up!

I recently bought some Loctite 277 on Amazon... I'm not sure why, but the labels just struck me as a bit suspicious.  So, I contacted Henkel directly....

...and sent them pictures of all the surfaces of the bottle....

Batch code...

After a week of research on their part: COUNTERFEIT!!

"The label lists “Made in USA” but uses the batch code system from the China plant (MT83727399)." and then in a subsequent email: "Confirmed counterfeit. The batch code doesn’t exist in our system."

Wow. Back to Amazon it goes!


  1. so now every place you used it is suspicious? Possible failure?


    1. No. The stuff I've used up to now was from a different source and never seemed suspicious to me. In any case it's only been used on rivnuts, that if it didn't work might eventually get loose and turn, but the screw would not come out because of that. None of these are flight critical either.
