Saturday, April 27, 2019

OK, I'm kind of obsessive....  I continued researching what the right material for the grounding stud should be and brass is not it.

I'm worried about corrosion and electrical failure that could result (hence why I'll be using the Deoxit on all my connections) and I came across this useful chart of material combinations that can cause galvanic corrosion.  It's pretty clear that using brass with either aluminum or steel will cause corrosion over time.

I also looked up the threaded rod I already bought for this purpose and found that it is zinc-coated steel.  Also no good.

Then, I wondered whether go 'ole AC 43.13 had an opinion on material selection for this purpose....  And sure as shit, it does! 😂

Cadmium plated steel for the bolt itself!  Guess what AN bolts are made of.....

I want AN6 thickness, but the problem is that none of them have enough thread for this purpose.  They all seem to have a maximum of about an inch of thread.  Am I overthinking this...? 🤓😁

I'll keep looking....  I'll get back to you. 😎

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