Wednesday, May 22, 2019

1.5 hrs. on the firewall.

Trying to figure out how to arrange the two wire pass-throughs.  Like this....

...or like this?  I have a piece of thick stainless steel (thanks Kerry!) that I will split in half, I'll split these pass-throughs and rivet them to the two sheet halves.  That will be screwed to the rivnuts shown.  That way I'll be able to pass through connectors and secure the wiring properly.

Meanwhile, I got connectors I can use for the battery sense wire.  Fits!

I could have sworn I had a crimper for insulated terminals, but I didn't.  I have crimpers for un-insulated terminals, and many other types, but not insulated.  So, I bought these.

Done!  Still needs to be tied down somehow though.

Enlarged the holes for the grommets for the fuel lines.  The grommets have an ID (hole size) of 1 1/16", but I made the holes 1" so they would be snug.  Test fit here, but I realized I needed to cut away the heat shield some more so it would seat right.

And both done!  Nice!

And a nice snug fit!

The big view.  Took the fuel pump mount off, which will make it easier to mount the pumps assembly to them.

These are the throttle cables.  Anybody know what the heat shrink is for?

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