Thursday, May 30, 2019

1.5 hrs. on the fuel pumps.

Not fuel pump related, but was just looking through my box of harnesses that SteinAir prepared for me and was pleasantly surprised to see the connections for the shunt sense wires are already wired into the connector.

With the assumption that the drawing in the manual is proportional I calculated the lengths of the various hoses for the fuel pump assembly.  The circled lengths are the calculated lengths in mm.

This tool worked well for cutting the hoses (though I think a box knife would work just as well for this).

For the barbed connections BobZ recommended putting the hose ends in boiling water to make them more pliable.

The barbed connection in the vise...

And with a little wiggling it went on without much fuss.

Both ends done.  I cut them a bit long (50mm) in case my calculations were off.  I can always make them shorter.

But.... The supplied CRMP-302 (15mm) ear clamps won't slide over the barbs....  Hmmm....  No way...

While I contemplated that I moved on to the other connections.  Figuring out where to put the clamp for this connection.  I think close behind the barb makes sense.  In this case the clamp slid over the barb just fine.

Crimped and cut to length (the calculated length this time).  This was actually the second attempt to crimp that as the first time I completely crimped one side and when I went to crimp the other ear it pinched the rubber pretty bad.  So, I cut that off and tried again.  This time I went back and forth, crimping a bit each time until it seemed solidly crimped.

They recommend using worm clamps for the fuel inputs (to make it easy to inspect and change the filters later on).  But, I only have 2 of the proper size (12-22) and you need 4.  Also need larger ear clamps as I mentioned above.  I'll ask the factory about that before just going ahead and buying them.
UPDATE: I ordered these marine-grade hose clamps for inputs.  Those seem to be a step up (and slightly more expensive) than the "aircraft-grade" clamps they also sell.  Seems to be better corrosion resistance.

Note that for a lot of the critical component assembly it is a very good idea to consult the Sling 4 (or 2 or TSi, if that's what you're building) Maintenance Manual as it contains lots of info that the build manual does not.  For instance, there is a section on the fuel pump and one thing I learned is that the main pump in on the left and the aux is on the right (though it also shows ear clamps for the fuel pump inputs, but the factory now says to use worm-type clamps).  That info is not in the build manual.  So, print that manual out and refer to it often!

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