Monday, May 27, 2019

4 hrs. fabricating the electrical pass-through for the firewall.

If you have to fabricate.... it takes time...

My parchment paper tracing to locate the screw holes worked well.

Making sure this is where I want to put them.

The holes need to be larger than the above parts, so a rough sketch will do.

Holes drilled out with a step drill bit and holes drilled and reamed for the rivets.  Line drawn for where I'll cut it in half.

And drawn on the pass-through pieces.

And on the heat shield I'll apply later.

A bit anxious about doing these cuts...

...because the cutting disks break so easily....  As it did within a couple of minutes.  Heads-up: Wear a full face shield, gloves, hold the Dremel firmly and keep yourself out of the plane of rotation....

These disks ended up being better than the thin cut disks.  Still need to keep the tool steady to keep the disk in the intended plane of the cut, otherwise it's more likely to end up breaking the disk.

Whew.... glad that's done!

Test fit to see where I need to cut the firewall to clear the holes and rivets.

This should do just fine.

This setup will make it easier to get in there and cut.  Heads-up: Much of the work on the firewall would have been easier without the mount in the way.....

Took awhile, but it's done.

Test fit and it's looking good.  Hope to finish this off tomorrow night.

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