Thursday, May 23, 2019

An hour mostly contemplating....

Terminals to use for the cap?

Maybe like this?  The cap certainly seems firmly connected to the terminals, but maybe it would be better to put the wires and cap into the same terminals for a more secure connection?  Some heat shrink too for better protection?  Hmm...  As Einstein would have said, "I must tink" 🤓😊

Trying to make sure I have the spacing right based on the appearance in the manual.  I'm a bit concerned about the clearance between the bottom of the assembly and the bottom edge of the firewall...

...So I'm thinking of flipping the mount so the slots for the mounting clamps would be on the top and I can slide the pumps up a bit and the clamps would be in the center of the pumps.  That would give me more clearance.

Side view showing what I mean with the mounts in place.  With this positioning the clamps are right in the middle.

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