Thursday, May 16, 2019

Still didn't have the energy to do any real work, but I did do a little more organizing... 😁

Various parts I had recently ordered from Aircraft Spruce...  I know I'm going to have a boatload of extra parts when I'm done...  Maybe I'll build another plane when I'm retired, so I guess I can save the parts...  Don't tell my wife... 😜

I watched an excellent webinar last night on how to determine whether it's a good idea to turn around in the case of engine failure on takeoff.  No matter your experience level I highly recommend it!  It was given by Brian Schiff, based on research he and his father (Barry Schiff!) did over the last 40+ years.  I'm a huge fan of Barry Schiff's writing - I believe he's been a columnist for AOPA Pilot since the 60's, which must be a record.  His Proficient Pilot boxed set of books is a favorite of mine.

Check out the webinar here.  Watch it, you'll be glad you did, because I can almost guarantee you'll learn something you didn't know.

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