Tuesday, June 18, 2019

1 hr. trying to debug my fuel pump assembly leak...

Took off the hose - is this scratch the culprit??

Spent 10 minutes buffing that out and smoothing it all the way around...

Put it all back together with a new hose (slightly longer) and new clamps...  Still a strong leak, even trying the clamp in slightly different positions...

Is this a pinhole??  Let's put it back together and take a closer look (keeping the "pinhole" uncovered).

Well, let's take a closer look and try and pin down where the leak is...

Maybe I'll try a small brush to better ascertain where the leak is... But, I think it's that pinhole on the inlet seam of the pre-fabricated part that forms the lower part of the fuel pump assembly.  Time to get another one - hopefully from CA...

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