Friday, June 14, 2019

Quick half hour today.  Big family event this weekend, so I won't be able to get back to the plane until Sunday.

Starting to prep for testing the fuel pump.  For sealing the outlet of the pump I cut a length of hose and applied at least an inch of epoxy (a generous amount) inside.

Then clamped it down and applied some at the end too.

Need to go to the hardware store to figure out what to use to get from the pressure gauge outlet (right side) to the same hose size as what I used above.  I won't use the red hose that comes with the gauge for this use.

Got my silicone tape.😎

I had to slug Crosby because he was begging.  He took it like a champ.  OK, just kidding, he's a good boy!  He does beg sometimes though... But I don't slug him for it, I sometimes give in...  😁

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