Monday, June 3, 2019

Well, I'm not going to count the half hour I wasted tonight because it was 3 strikes and I was out...

First, I went to Home Depot for something home-related and I forgot to get the Dremel blades I needed to cut the engine bolts - Strike 1!.

But, I did spy this show quality Golden Retriever, so that was nice...

Then, I got the clamps for the fuel pump inlets, only to discover that they were too wide for this use...  Strike 2!.

I located where I was going to put the power wire tie-down, put in the rivnut and then screwed in the hex-head screw with the clamp, only to have it strip and is now near impossible to back out....  Have I mentioned I don't like hex-heads??...  I need to figure out how to remove it and replace it with a Philips head screw of sufficient length.  Grrr..  Strike 3, you're out!

Well, on my way to the garage door I did mark where I'm going to cut the engine bolt...  I think I'll go watch some mindless TV....

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