Thursday, July 18, 2019

1 hr. contemplating my navel...

Some of my original LED lights have been dying lately so I've been using a portable halogen work light.  Problem was, that light was ridiculously hot, so I bought another LED light to replace it.  Didn't realize how huge it would be!  Good lighting makes a huge difference in the ease of working on anything!

The picture doesn't do it justice, but it's crazy bright.  Unless I'm shooting a feature film, I'll probably just point it up to reflect off the ceiling...  Blinding...

Starting to think about the sensors that have to go on the engine and noticed this little nugget on the SteinAir circuit diagrams - it has two fuel flow transducers (out and return)...  I'd have to buy another FT-60 (OSH discount!), but doing it this way would be way easier than silver soldering fittings on a metal fuel line.  I could put them just inside the firewall, maybe on some bracket I can fashion.  You wouldn't want them dangling on some of the existing fuel lines on the engine side since they're supposed to be mounted horizontally in a preferred orientation.  I like this better, but I'll think about it some more.

Do I have the Oil Pressure Sensor, Oil Temp Sensor, Coolant Temp Sensor, Air Box Temp Sensor?  Are they already on the engine?  Pawing through my parts I don't see them.  Some research ahead...

I did find the Fuel Pressure and Manifold Pressure Sensors.  They look exactly the same, but if you look closely you can see they have different part numbers on the sides.

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