Wednesday, July 3, 2019

1.5 hrs. on the exhaust shroud.  Nearly done with it.

This is what I'll use to seal the shroud.

Sealant applied and doing the riveting...

Both ends done.

Putting on the outlet pipe.  Masking it off to apply the sealant.


And riveting...

The ones where it curves away from the plate you really have to push in order to rivet them since you're bending the plate.

Did some more masking and applied the sealant around the base to fill the holes.

And it's in place...

Seems like it would be easier to get the hose on now while the shroud is still movable.

I put the bracket and clamp in place to make sure there's no issue with the positioning of the shroud.  All's good.

Trying to tighten the bolts to get the shroud tight around the exhaust, but I think I'll get some clamps around the shroud as JimP did.  That'll work better.  The tie wraps you see there didn't do much.

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