Saturday, July 6, 2019

2 hrs. replacing the battery and then discovering that I need to completely redo my fuel pump assembly....

To replace the battery I need to remove the GPS antenna above the battery.  No big deal.

Though even that is not enough...  I had to further loosen the top two screws of the battery holder.  With that it came out pretty easily.

New one in.  Looks like they moved the battery sense wire to the other side of the battery.  Wonder what else changed?  Better to have the newer design I guess.

See this package of hose labeled 1/4" (6mm)....  That label is wrong.  It is the 5/16" (8mm) hose.  They also had sent me a large-ish package of larger hose, which I assumed was the 5/16" hose.  Wrong, it's 12mm (for what I use, if any, I don't know).  My mistake for believing the label.... 😒  I only discovered this when today I opened the box of hoses I ordered from Aircraft Spruce (didn't feel like I had enough) and saw that they didn't match what I had.

So, the good news is that the one leak I had was probably due to the oversized hoses used...  The bad news of course is that I need to do this whole thing over again. 😬 UPDATE: This may not be true.  I heard from the factory that I used the right hose sizes (8 and 12).  I'm confirming since the manual doesn't indicate the right sizes to use.

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