Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Quick half hour figuring some stuff out...

Recently got a bunch of new pictures from the factory of various close-ups on the engine and now figured out the configuration of the fittings on the oil thermostat.  So, I do have the right fittings for it.  Also had the bracket installed upside-down, so I fixed that.  Note that the manual shows a 90 deg fitting for the top left and that is not correct.  It's a straight, barbed fitting.  I'll be adding those pics (and some others I had) to a consolidated "Engine" page sometime over the next few days.

The Rotax manual only identifies one or two of these connectors, most of which are on the other end of the harness to the TCU.  I'm going to ask the factory to ident them all and will post what I find out.


  1. Look at the electrical wiring diagram in the Rotax install manual and throughout chapter 19. The wires have a number printed on them every couple inches and correspond to the numbers on the pinout for the TCU in chapter 19 (page 100 Edition 2 / Rev 1).

    For example:
    #1 = TCU power + terminal
    #25 = TCU power - terminal
    #10 = Boost lamp - terminal
    #28 = Boost lamp + terminal
    #35 = Caution lamp + terminal
    #11 = Caution lamp - terminal
    #13 & #26 = RPM counter (to EFIS)
    Yellow ones go to integrated generator rectifier
    That should get you started on matching them to the wiring diagram in the manual.

    1. Ah, hadn't noticed the numbers! Thanks, I'll take a look tonight!
