Thursday, August 1, 2019

1 hr. on the oil thermostat and misc. contemplation...

You might have seen that someone commented on my last post about identifying the connections from the TCU.  They said that the wires have numbers on them and that they correspond to....

... this diagram in the Rotax manual (the numbers match the pin numbers on the wide connector shown on the right bottom).  I'm an electrical engineer and I find this diagram annoying to read.  It could have been made to be far easier to parse for readability and usefulness.

The numbers on the various blocks are identified on the previous page.

Based on a picture from the factory, this will go here with the fittings oriented as shown.

Fortunately I had a socket large enough to fit over the NPT adapters which go into the oil thermostat.

My wrench ready to go and the photo from the factory.  The fittings show about 4 threads.

The manual doesn't mention it, but these being NPT threads, you should put Loctite 577 on the threads.

Wrenching them down.  Getting it down to about 4 threads showing required a lot of force - and there's no way I'd go further.  Be careful when you're putting the socket over the fittings as you really don't want to nick or scratch the flares.  I also couldn't get the socket over the barbed fitting because it was too long, so I used an adjustable wrench and tightened it from the side.

Excess 577 wiped away and comparing it to the photo.  That'll do.  Very tight...

I was told (by CA, not technical support in SA) that HW-FTG-703-X-X is the part for the two 90 degree fittings for the oil tank, and I have two (or more) empty bags with that number.  But, I think those are the 90 deg fittings attached to the oil thermostat and not what goes on the oil tank.  Checking with the factory on that.  Meanwhile, I was told on that this part should work on the oil tank.  Checking with the factory on that too.

Meanwhile, I feel like I'm flailing with regards to the engine install...  Too many open issues, a couple of missing parts and no definitive task list are the reasons.  I need to remedy that by starting with a detailed task list.

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