Wednesday, August 21, 2019

1 hr. mostly trying to figure a few things out...

A few things arrived today including the Adel clamp pliers.  The setup: Awl in the holes, pliers on and tightened and awl jiggled around to make sure it's nice and lined up.

Awl out, bolt in and washer and nut on.  Perfect!  Way easier than any other way I tried.

Also received my new fuel filters.

The fuel comes in and flows into the outer perimeter of the container and then filters into the center part where it flows out the top.

The info on the back of the card.

My rough sketch of the oil system based on drawings and photos.  Still a bit unsure of the routing of some of the lines.  The Factory Engine photos don't show much of the left side of the engine.

Putting on the barbed fitting for the oil cooler.  Loctite 577, hand tight and then 1.5 turns.  Well, I'm either too strong or too weak because I could only manage 1 full turn after hand tightening.  I wasn't comfortable with trying to tighten it beyond that.

They go in here, but I'm not going to tighten these in until I have a better handle on the clocking of the fittings.

I'm trying to confirm with the factory, but I think the oil pump inlet fitting gets replaced with the one in my hand.

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