Friday, August 16, 2019

1.5 hrs. on the fuel system.

Using hot water to soften the fuel hose.

Slid on easily and cimped on the 15.7mm single-ear Oetiker clamp.  The only thing I can think of which would explain why the factory might be able to use the 2-ear 15mm clamps is if their hose is thinner walled.  This hose is pretty thick walled.  I bought hose from Aircraft Spruce that has a noticeably thinner wall and that would probably work with the 15mm.

I bought some edge grommet to try and put some protection on the hole in the fuselage side where the hose comes through, but I could not bend it tight enough to fit well.  So, I came up with this alternate usage (temporary of course).  Wish I had this on before I sliced my hand open...
I'll have to get some large regular grommets to fit those holes.  The bottom hole is 1 3/8" wide.

Put some edge grommet here...

But, after I did that I realized that I was wrong (mistake #243 😜) about where the selector is located....  It's further back here...  So, it wasn't going to reach going through the uprights...  Started to get nervous that I'd have to redo the lines, but then I pushed the selector through the upright and rerouted it this way.  Reaches just fine now.

Another view of the correct location.

I also remember seeing that the Sling TSi manuals have more info that the 4 manuals don't have.  Here's an example of some useful info.

And more useful info.  This shows the return line going through the upper hole (which is not open in my fuselage).  Maybe it's different in the TSI, but it would be difficult to go through the upper hole on the 4 because there's an interior skin that's right behind the upper cutout.  I think it's fine if both go through the lower hole.

Wanted to try that gasket material...

But, when I went to tighten the clamp it actually pushed the plastic nipple out!  So, I took some of the material off and put it back on, this time not tightening it as much.  I'll see if it dries sufficiently overnight and if I can further tighten the clamp without that happening.  If not, off it comes.  The one on the right doesn't have the gasket on it, so I can compare in the AM.

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