Wednesday, September 4, 2019

I've been doing background work so, when I get the plane back, I can hit the ground running.

One thing I've been working on is the wiring.  I saw an article in this month's Kitplanes Magazine about using Cannon-type connectors for your misc. power (and other) wiring to make it easy to hook things up, disconnect if necessary and it's just plain neater.  This is an example of that type connector.  I like it - Just need to understand it more (lots of options), and figure out what wires will go through these connectors and which ones won't.

I've also been discussing with TAF SA about the fittings for the oil system.  I seem to be missing parts (and the manual is unclear) and wasn't getting the info I needed from TAF - Turns out the 914's delivered to TAF in SA have different fittings for the oil system than what's delivered here in the US - Hence the confusion....

I also was looking at the various fittings in the oil system and noticed that the barbed ends for the three 90deg fittings on the oil thermostat are a different size from the straight fitting I have on there.  Not sure why I didn't notice this before...  I think the straight one is too small as the 1/2" ID oil hose slips on too easily to be correct.  I don't have any other straight fittings that would be the right barbed size.  Getting clarification from TAF SA and will order some fittings tomorrow.  Stay tuned...

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