Friday, October 4, 2019

More than an hour today cleaning up and organizing the garage.  I want to orient the fuselage differently than it was so I can store the wings on the dolly they're on now.  This way I can do stuff on the wings more easily (e.g.  I realized I still had some rivets to fill on the bottom of the wings).

The dash/panel has been in my home office for a couple of weeks and I actually like it there.  Easy to check things and work on it as necessary.

I printed out my wiring spreadsheet (sometimes I like to look over an actual piece of paper rather than the computer screen).  So far 85 wires listed and that doesn't include all the pre-wired engine monitor harnesses.  Soon after I printed it out I found another important wire that wasn't listed: Master Switch (battery) to the battery contactor.  A few more passes and it'll be done (maybe 😁).

The garage all cleaned up and ready for the plane to return!  I want to put the wings dolly on the left side and angle the fuselage with the tail toward the right rear.  Hope that works.

I'm ready to rock-n-roll!

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