Friday, November 1, 2019

And it's off to Ooooooklahoma!!

One last shot in the garage....

Marshall on the left and Mike on the right from Sling Central, ready to load up the 26' truck.

Taken out and turned around.

Ramps built for the mains to ride up since the included ramp is narrow.

Going up....

Secured in place.  That's not going anywhere.

All loaded up, including the secured wings.  The spars are bolted to some beefy structure screwed to the floor.  I had boxed up all the remaining parts and materials, so those were easy to load.  The empennage parts are secured on the floor further up.

Dash cleco'ed and secured in place.

I made them scratch-made chocolate chip cookies for the road and to take home to their families.

See you guys in Oklahoma!!

Classic song from a classic play.  Not too surprisingly, they love it in Oklahoma (it became the state song!)!  Me too!

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