Thursday, December 19, 2019

I'm a bit late getting this midweek Sling Central update posted...

Finishing up all of the last little details under the cowl. Finally received everything I needed to make the camlocks work. Installing those and finishing all of the heat wrap, hose clamps, wrapped the exhaust headers (they look good!) and now that those are wrapped, I have a slightly different strategy with the heat shielding on other hoses. I’m going to remove the aluminized heat barrier that I wrapped one oil line with and install fire sleeve instead. I’m confident that with the header wrapped we can get rid of the aluminized heat barrier and go to the much more clean looking fire sleeve. Should only be needed in one spot, up front where the oil cooler line goes around the alternator. Finished wrapping heat barrier on the coolant lines. I feel this is the correct material in this application (TAF uses it on these lines because they are in very close proximity to the exhaust and turbocharger). Removed the instrument panel for final clean up of the interior wiring and termination of all connections. By the end of the week we will be finished with the under cowl work and only working on wiring. Once the avionics has been fired up we will send the fuselage to paint and be ready to rig it when it returns.

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