Saturday, February 15, 2020

Spent Monday through Friday morning in Oklahoma visiting the plane, meeting the FAA DAR and doing a bit of flying.  That went well, going through all the paperwork.  The plane is already registered as I sent that paperwork in several weeks ago.  My paperwork was all in order (lots of it!!).

He did say he'd like me there when he does the final inspection when it's flight ready, so that means an extra trip to OK between now and when I go pick it up.

I was hoping to do enough flying to shake the rust off my flying skills and do my flight review, but unfortunately the weather did not cooperate.  I'll have to figure out how/where I'm going to do that now.

My first glimpse of the plane.

The FAA DAR going over my paperwork.  All good to go!

Doing a quick look at the plane.  He'll do a thorough inspection when it's flight ready.

With my iPad Pro in the mount and running Foreflight.  Looks good!  The iPad has a super high-res screen so it's really great looking.

Close-up of the iPad.

Does this go here?? ;-)

Mike Black of Sling Central.  Good guy!  If you want a Sling, they're the dealer to go with!

Running the excellent app MyRadar.  Obviously that would only run on the ground since it needs a data connection.

Mike and I flying in their Sling 2.  Fun!  Hey, my flying skills weren't too bad.  I managed to do 360's in each direction and hold the altitude within about 20 feet.  I'll give some credit to the Sling though since it's easy to fly.

Oklahoma - Pretty flat!

Fuel selector installed and all connected.

Here's a shot of Vergil, a 747 driver for Atlas Air, working on his Sling TSi in the Sling Central shop.  The Slings seem to be very popular with airline pilots!

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