Wednesday, March 18, 2020

I know it's been awhile since I posted, but work is still happening on the plane.

Mike has been getting the wings ready for when the fuselage returns from paint.  I'm hoping the fuselage will be done within 2 weeks.  Then it's some final misc. things that have to be done and then it's final assembly!

It's also been a bit crazy with the Coronavirus....  I started working from home last Friday and was operating at work like DEFCON11 for several weeks prior to that.  Basically the only thing I touched at work was my desk, and if someone coughed I immediately moved away, even if they were 20 feet from me...  And I washed my hands several times a day like I was a surgeon...

Hey, sometimes it pays to be a hypochondriac! 🙄😎

Hope you are all totally well and taking 2000 IU of Vitamin D3 and 30-50mg of Zinc every day to help stay well! 😁

Here's some pics I just got from the painter.

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