Wednesday, September 22, 2021

I contacted the factory about the 115% = 41.5" and they said I just needed to do a TCU calibration.

So, I got and installed the TLR4.6a software and the right cable (as all described on Jim's blog) to connect to the TCU and went to the hangar tonight after watching this video on

My setup...

The TLR software is ancient 32b DOS software, so it's a little bit of work to get it all working on a modern 64b laptop running Win10.  The DOS window doesn't scale, so bring a magnifying glass...

Powered up all the electronics and started the software.  The first thing I did was the monitor function to see what the current settings are (Press M).  This is at Idle throttle.  3.7% is out of spec.  Should be no more than 3%. 

This is Throttle @ 100%.  Out of spec.

Throttle @ 115%.  IN spec...  Though this is my problem area....

This is after I ran the calibration (Press T).  Throttle @ Idle = 0%.  Good.

Throttle @ 100%...  The same as before.. Out of spec.  Hmm..

Throttle @ 115%...  The same as before.

Another pic of the 100% position.  Should be within +/-3 of 100.  Nope...

Now what?


  1. Hi

    FYI, you can modify the dosbox configuration file to scale the interface.
    With the following configuration, I can play old games on my 4K screen :



    One can surely configure it so next time you won't hurt your eyes using the TCU software :)

    1. I added that to dosbox-SVN_MB6.conf in C:\TLR46 but it didn't make a difference. Same tiny size. Wrong file?

  2. I think it's the wrong file, if you followed Jim's instructions, it should be in your AppData\Local\Dosbox folder (the file where you added the COM port mapping)
