Monday, November 8, 2021

The way my flaps were set up (down in OK, of course...) has been the annoying "momentary" setting.  You have to hold the switch either up or down to get it to move and you had to watch the position to know when to stop.

But, the VPX can be set to "position" to be much easier to use.  Click it down or up and it goes to the next preset position.  I just hooked up the VPX via my crossover Ethernet cable to my laptop and did the change.

I set it to one click is about 8% (I used what I've been using on takeoff and downwind), next click is half flaps (base) and the last click takes it to full flaps for final.

I noted that you need to do an initial click before the first click to move it down from 0 or up from full.  I assume that's to prevent an inadvertent flap movement.  So it's Click to activate, Click to 8%, Click to Half, Click to Full.  Much easier!!

The laptop all hooked up and connected to the VPX.

The settings before changing them.

The settings after.  Initially, I had the default 255 in the "Down Endpoint", but that caused the flap breaker to fault.  It needs to be a lower number (this is described in the VPX manual).  I did confirm that the flaps were fully up and down when using this mode.

Finally got around to extracting the filter material.  Looked good and nothing stuck to the magnet when I moved it around the material.

A Sling Grin! :-)

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