Saturday, January 1, 2022

Haven't gotten any response in the Facebook group, so I'll post it here....

I have an "Int Alt" switch in my 4 and there's nothing in the checklist other than to check that it's "on", but I wonder if I should be checking this in some way.

My charging circuit diagram seems to suggest (tell me if I'm wrong) that if it's "On" then the Internal and External Alternators are sharing the load via the VPX, but it's "off" then it's only the External which is supplying current as the Internal is disconnected by the relay.

How should I be checking/using that switch/circuit?

Yeah, I'm an EE, but I'm 100% a digital guy... I can design a CPU or an Ethernet switch in my sleep, but this kind of stuff isn't my bag at all. 😎

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