Monday, September 26, 2022

Haven't posted in a while, but it's been fun flying Sadie.  I don't know if I posted about the solution to the low RPM, but it was a stuck turbo.  Apparently, it was shut down without a cool-down on a hot day and sometimes the turbo can get stuck.  The only solution was to pull the cowling, remove the air filter and spin the turbo by hand to un-stick it.  That worked!

The last thing I was dealing with was erratic engine sensors, which turned out to be another loose ground on a "CHT" sensor.  The more recent 914 engines measure coolant temp, not CHT.  There are two, but they're measuring the same thing, so the factory only uses one.  So, I simply turned off the one with the loose ground in the G3X and clipped that ground.  With that done, all is well.

Other than that I've been checking the eyebolts in regards to the recent service notice and so far they've all been the correct types.  Whew....  I really didn't want to have to change those and so far, so good.

The right type!

Type 1.  Good!

Flight yesterday to Hyannis on Cape Cod.

115 kts TAS seems to be my typical cruise speed.

Boston in the distance.

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