Saturday, May 16, 2015

1.5 hrs. today trying to bend the flange as asked, but after further thought it wasn't making sense to me to try and make an "S" curve to bring the flange lower.  The flange was clearly bent in the wrong place and as such it was narrower than it should be and the hole was off-center.  It seems the right thing to do is bend it further down where it should be so the hole ends up in the right place.

Here's a side view of a "correct" rib.  Note that the notch is pretty shallow.

Here's Rib 7.  Note that the notch is deeper, suggesting that the bend is too high.

Here's the width of a good rib.  About 17mm.

Here's Rib 7.  About 15 or 16mm and the hole is off-center.

Here's Rib 7 after I re-bent it by banging it down with a wood block secured behind it.  So, is it right?  A test fitting of the skins is the only way to find out.

I will also be going through all of the wing build instructions today so I can come up with the riveting order plan.  As I understand from other builders that the order in the instructions can get you into trouble, I want to plan all the way through so that I don't have any gotcha's.

Meanwhile I've been working on the electrical system design using the Vertical Power Online Planner and making great progress.  Check out my Avionics & Electrical page for the latest.

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