Saturday, May 9, 2015

2 hrs. working on the wing jigs and putting the right wing main spar on the jigs.

I found that the left wing root jig's holes were clearly drilled too small, so I lined up the right wing root jig (which has correct sized holes) with the left and drew the correct size holes.  That way I made sure that when I get around to drilling those out they will be properly positioned (or at least exactly the same as the right...).

I found (others have seen this too) that the AN7 bolts for the jig don't just drop into the spar holes.  I tried using the Scotchbrite wheel to thin the shanks (where it hangs up), but that wasn't going easily.  I was told that 7/16" bolts from the hardware store (these are not used in the final assembly) fit easier, so I bought those and still found it was a very tight fit.  I buffed them down (took a while...) and finally they went in reasonably easily (you need to let them cool from the buffing).  I was also told that the factory uses dry ice to super cool the AN7 bolts in the final assembly to get them to fit.

I used 4 bolts as it doesn't seem necessary to do all 8 bolts.

The instructions say to use M4 Button Head Screws and Nuts to attach the tip end, but I found those were loose fitting (the instructions say to center them) and I actually don't think the nuts were in my kit package, so I decided to do what Gordon did and just used cleco's.  They fit well.

The right wing main spar is up on the jigs!  Before going further I will bolt my two benches together and then bolt down the jigs to the benches (while ensuring that the jigs are perfectly level with each other).  Then I will cleco all the parts onto the spars.  I recommend this as the order of riveting that is shown in the instructions can get you into trouble.  For instance you need to rivet the inner ribs before riveting on the rear step ribs to the rear spar (I was told this).

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