Monday, May 11, 2015

2 hrs. cleco'ing a test fitting of the right wing ribs.  Test fitting is critical so you can carefully plan your rivet (and part fitting) sequencing.

And it looks like a wing!

Hmm, Rib 7 is about 3mm too high.  And the bottom of the rib sticks out too (see next pic).

May be hard to see in this picture, but the top and bottom stick out from the spar level.  I measured the rib to be about 7 7/8" tall right next to the spar and the spar was about 7 11/16".

This is Rib 5.  The trailing edge of the rib sticks up about 3mm.  The other ribs are fine in their alignment with the rear spar.

Rib 9's holes don't line up with the spar holes.  This might just be that the flange needs to be bent more.

You need to put the flap tube in before the next rib to the right otherwise you won't be able to get it in...

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