Sunday, August 2, 2015

1.5 hr's gathering parts and reading the instructions for the next step in the fuel tank build: attaching the fuel sender and other fittings.

Gather all the parts.

It seems that the hole to the lower right of the largest hole in this photo needs to be enlarged to allow the passing through the 90 degree fitting which passed through it.

A change that was made after my kit was shipped involves drilling a 3.3mm hole through the rib to install a strap which holds down the inlet tube.  The hole is specified to be drilled 32mm from the back and 24.14mm from the bottom.  Not 24, but 24.14?  I can't measure that close...  So why was it specified that way?...  Given that there's already sealant there, I'll be lucky if it's somewhere between 23 and 25...

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