Saturday, August 1, 2015

3.5 hrs. sealing the right fuel tank.

Have I mentioned that sealing is NOT fun?  For someone like me that likes things neat and tidy, sealing.... sucks.  Thick and sticky do not make for an easy time applying the sealant.

Honestly, if I had known I could get the tanks already done (and I knew or was told how annoying it was), I would have definitely done that.  Many people have more patience than me and have a high tolerance for messy, so if you're one of those, go for it.  Otherwise, get tanks built in the factory...

I have over 22 hours into the tanks and I'm not nearly half done...

Messy!  It actually looks better live than it does in these pictures (it's not as "shredded" or incomplete looking). Anyway, maybe before I close the tanks I'll use a stiff brush to slather on more sealant to cover it more completely.  I was applying it somewhat strategically to ensure I had enough sealant, but I've discovered that the 1 pint I got with the kit is only half of what I'll need.  Ordered another pint last night from Skygeek (This is what I ordered).

One of slightly less messy corners.

On a more fun note, I got in all the goodies I ordered at AirVenture!  My landing lights, wing tip lights, flap position sensor and underneath is my Vertical Power VP-X Pro electrical control system. :-)

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