Monday, August 31, 2015

1.5 hrs. on the tanks...

Do I look like Walter White from Breaking Bad?  Mixing up some Class A sealant.  Definitely more liquidy and easier to apply.  But, it will drip, so use it sparingly.

Covering up the other side of the fuel sender port (or whatever it's called...).  I also went around the rest of the tank and coated any areas that seemed like they could use a little more sealant.  Before I did that I went all over the tank and cleaned with MEK - you don't want to put sealant over any dirt/grease/oil...

Completely coated the inside of the fuel cap.

Got my SafeAir pitot/AoA tubing/connectors kit!  Just need to finish the right wing and start on the left before I'll get to play with this.

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